1. 薛澜,周源等/著. 战略性新兴产业:政策与治理创新研究. 北京: 科学出版社, 2019.战略性新兴产业发展重大行动计划研究丛书
2. 薛澜 等/著. 中国科技发展与政策(1978-2018). 中国大百科全书出版社,北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2018.
3. 徐建华,薛澜译. 环境健康领域的风险权衡. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2018.
4. 薛澜,梁正,杨列勋等编著. 公共管理学科发展战略——暨公共管理十三五做优先资助领域研究. 北京: 科学出版社, 2017.
5. 全国科学技术名词审定委员会公布,编写专家薛澜(公共管理负责人)等. 北京: 科学出版社, 2016.
6. 薛澜,何晋秋等.国家创新系统的演进与发展. 北京: 社科文献出版社,2016.12,
7. 薛澜,陈衍泰,何晋秋等著. 科技全球化与中国发展. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2015.6.1.
8. 薛澜,周源,李应博等著. 战略性新型产业创新规律与产业政策研究. 北京:科学出版社, 2015.
9. 薛澜等著. 应对气候变化的风险治理. 北京:科学出版社, 2014.
10. 薛澜, 曾光等. 防控“甲流”:中国内地甲型H1N1流感应对评估. 北京:社会科学文献出版社, 2014.
11. 薛澜主编. (工程院重大咨询项目)《中国特色新型城镇化发展研究》第四卷,城镇化进程中的公共治理研究. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2013
12. 闪淳昌,薛澜. 《应急管理概论——理论与实践》. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2012.
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14. 薛澜,柳卸林, 穆荣平等译. OECD中国创新政策研究报告. 北京:科学出版社, 2011.
15. 薛澜,何海燕,杨烈勋. 积累与跨越——科学发展观指导下的宏观管理与政策研究纲要. 北京:科学出版社, 2008.
16. 薛澜 苏竣 何晋秋. 中国高等学校国际科技合作与交流战略研究. 北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2007.
17. 薛澜,张强, 钟开斌. 《危机管理——转型期中国面临的挑战》. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2003.
18. 薛澜,张帆.科学家谈管理科学重要方向 国家治理体系与治理能力[J].科学观察,2019,14(05):27-29.
19. 薛澜,赵静.走向敏捷治理:新兴产业发展与监管模式探究[J].中国行政管理,2019(08):28-34.
20. 薛澜.创新驱动发展与东北振兴[J].中国科技产业,2019(07):24-25.
21. 薛澜.第四次工业革命来临,中国准备好了吗?[J].领导决策信息,2019(05):27.
22. 薛澜等. 战略性新兴产业:政策与治理创新研究[M]. 科学出版社,北京,2019
23. 薛澜.中国科技创新政策40年的回顾与反思.科学学研究,2018,36(12).2113-2115.
24. 薛澜,梁正,李代天.共同生长的西门子研发与中国创新—以西门子工业机器人为例.清华管理评论,2018(7-8).6-15.
25. 薛澜,李希盛.深化监管机构改革 推进市场监管现代化—以杭州市为例.中国行政管理,2018(09).21-29.
26. 薛澜.中国创新应该做什么? 薛澜从全球视角解读第四次工业革命.财经界,2018(07). 39-40.
27. 薛澜,张帆. 公共管理学科话语体系的本土化建构:反思与展望.学海,2018(01). 90-99.
28. 薛澜,翁凌飞.关于中国“一带一路”倡议推动联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》的思考. 中国科国产成人直播
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29. 薛澜,翁凌飞.西方对外援助机构的比较与借鉴——改革中国的对外援助模式. 经济社会体制比较, 2018(01):107-113.
30. 薛澜,蒋凌飞.纯电动乘用车选择性产业政策成效分析——对产业政策制定与执行的启示. 中国科技论坛,2017(10):80-87.
31. 薛澜,赵静.转型期公共政策过程的适应性改革及局限. 中国社会科学, 2017(09): 45-67.
32. 薛澜,张慧勇.第四次工业革命对环境治理体系建设的影响与挑战.中国人口·资源与环境,2017,27(09):1-5.
33. 薛澜,俞晗之,Kang Xiaoni.迈向公共管理范式的全球治理——基于“问题-主体-机制”框架的分析(英文).Social Sciences in China,2017,38(01):26-45.
34. 薛澜,翁凌飞. 中国实现联合国2030年可持续发展目标的政策机遇和挑战.中国软科学, 2017, (01): 1-12.
35. 薛澜, 周源. “十三五”战略性新兴产业规划:更充分体现创新驱动发展战略精神.中国战略新兴产业, 2017, (01): 24-27
36. 薛澜,赵静. 新兴产业发展与适应性监管.公共管理评论, 2016,(2)
37. 薛澜,赵静. 关于“十三五”时期创新驱动发展的时代意义与战略思考.国家行政国产成人直播
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38. 薛澜,赵静.激发人才活力 提振整体经济.中国改革报,2016-11-04(003).
39. 薛澜,张帆.推广“双随机、一公开”机制完善监管改革.经济日报,2016-10-30(004).
40. 薛澜,洪志生,周源. “互联网+”时代的战略性新兴产业:共享经济打破固有发展模式. 中国战略新兴产业,2016,(17): 61-63
41. 薛澜.让创新为发展提供澎湃原动力.人民日报,2016-08-09(007).
42. 薛澜.如何推动中国特色的城市化.人民周刊,2016,(11):55-55
43. 薛澜.关于中外城市发展的比较与反思.中国建设报,2016-06-07(001).
44. 薛澜,陈玲,王刚波,蒋凌飞.中美产业创新能力比较:基于对IC产业的专家调查.科研管理,2016,37(04):1-8
45. 薛澜,周源,洪志生,王秀芹. “十三五”发展战略性新兴产业:释放两个活力,构建三个环境.中国战略新兴产业,2016,(11): 66-69
46. 薛澜,郭薇,乔雪.简政放权环境下的社会性规制探析——以中国药品准入规制为例.中共中央党校学报,2016,(7):34-43
47. 劳昕,薛澜.我国高等教育资源的空间分布及其对地区经济增长的影响.高等教育研究,2016,(6): 26-33
48. 薛澜,俞晗之.迈向公共管理范式的全球治理——基于“问题-主体-机制”框架的分析.中国社会科学,2015,(3)
49. 薛澜,彭龙,陶鹏.国家安全委员会制度的国际比较及其对我国的启示.中国行政管理. 2015,(1):146-151
50. 薛澜,张帆,武沐瑶.国家治理体系与治理能力研究:回顾与前瞻.公共管理学报, 2015, 12(3): 1-11
51. 薛澜.国家治理框架下的社会治理——问题、挑战与机遇.社会治理,2015,(2): 31-35
52. 薛澜,俞晗之. 新兴经济体发展与全球治理.经济体制改革,2015, (01): 21-23
53. 薛澜.中国事业单位改革:高等教育的案例.中国机构改革与管理,2015, (1): 28-31
54. 薛澜.政府的创新角色.环球科学,2015, (3): 36-37
55. 薛澜.社会企业创新是海归创业的未来.留学生, 2015, (15): 60-60
56. 薛澜.促进全球可持续发展的三大支柱.中国领导科学, 2015, (11):50
57. 薛澜.五大发展理念对执政能力提出更高要求.人民论坛, 2015, (34):
58. 薛澜.“不会做”“不敢做”“不想做” 官员干事创业动力缘何不足.人民论坛,2015, (22): 15-17
59. 薛澜.为全球治理贡献中国智慧.中国投资,2015, (1): 66-68
60. 薛澜,汝鹏,舒全峰,韩菲.我国科研人力资本补偿:问题、成因与对策,科学学研究,2014, 32(9)
61. 薛澜,李宇环.走向国家治理现代化的政府职能转变:系统思维与改革取向.政治学研究,2014,(5);61-70
62. 薛澜.联合国2015年之后的发展目标—中国如何发挥作用?.国际展望,2014(4)
63. 薛澜.深化改革元年回顾—问题与建议.改革内参,2014,11
64. 薛澜.顶层设计与泥泞前行:中国国家治理现代化之路.公共管理学报,2014, 11(4): 1-6
65. 薛澜.关于我国财政科技拨款体制改革之我见.科学与社会,2014, 4(3): 3-5
66. 薛澜,张帆.构建以社会共治为基础的社会监管体系.中国工商管理研究, 2014,(8);19-21
67. 薛澜,周海雷,陶鹏.我国公众应急能力影响因素及培育路径研究.中国应急管理,2014,(5):9-15
68. 薛澜. 智库热的冷思考:破解中国特色智库发展之道.中国行政管理,2014,(5):6-10
1. Xue L, Zeng G. A Comprehensive Evaluation on Emergency Response in China[M]. Springer, Singapore, 2019
2. Guan T, Meng K, Liu W, Xue L. Public Attitudes toward Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence from Five Chinese Cities[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(20): 5793.
3. Zhu J, Fan Y, Deng X, Xue L. Low-carbon innovation induced by emissions trading in China[J]. Nature communications, 2019, 10(1): 1-8.
4. Xue L. On the Future of Public Policy Schools, in Developing Countries[J]. Global Policy, 2019, 10(1): 102-103.
5. Xue, Lan, and Jing Zhao. Truncated Decision-making and Deliberative Implementation:A Time-Based Policy Process Model for Transitional China. Policy Studies Journal, accepted, 2018.
6. Yu, Hanzhi, Lan Xue. Shaping the Evolution of Regime Complex: the Case of Multi-Actor Punctuated Equilibrium in Governing Human Genetic Data. Global Governance, accepted, 2018.
7. Qin, Chuanshen, Jianhua Xu, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, and Lan Xue, Change in public concern and responsive behaviors toward air pollution Under the Dom. Risk Analysis, accepted, 2018.
8. Xue, Lan, Weng, LF, Yu, HZ. Addressing policy challenges in implementing Sustainable Development Goals through an adaptive governance approach: A view from transitional China. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 2018, Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 150-158.
9. Xue, Lan, Zhu, Xufeng, Han, Wanqu. Embracing scientific decision making: The rise of think-tank policies in China. Pacific Affairs, 2018, Volume 91, Issue 1, Pages 49-71.
10. Funk P, Xue L, Liang Z, et al. Why China needs data sharing to address its air quality challenge. National Science Review, 2017.
11. Zhou Y, Pan M, Zhou K. D., Xue, L., Stakeholder Risk and Trust Perceptions in the Diffusion of Green Manufacturing Technologies: Evidence From China. The Journal of Environment & Development, 2017.
12. Weng L, Sayer J A, Xue L. Will China redefine development patterns in Africa? Evidence from Cameroon. The Extractive Industries and Society, 2017.
13. Chen L, Zhou Y, Zhou D, Xue L. Clustering enterprises into eco-industrial parks: Can interfirm alliances help small and medium-sized enterprises? Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 168: 1070-1079.
14. Kong D, Zhou Y, Liu Y, Xue L. Using the data mining method to assess the innovation gap: A case of industrial robotics in a catching-up country. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2017.
15. Liu P, Zhou Y, Zhou D K, Xue L. Energy Performance Contract models for the diffusion of green-manufacturing technologies in China: A stakeholder analysis from SMEs’ perspective. Energy Policy, 2017, 106: 59-67.
16. Kong D, Zhou Y, Liu Y, et al. Using the data mining method to assess the innovation gap: A case of industrial robotics in a catching-up country. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2017.
17. Altenburg, Tilman; Sagar, Ambuj; Schmitz, Hubert; Xue, Lan. Guest editorial: Comparing low-carbon innovation paths in Asia and Europe. Science and Public Policy, 2016, 43(4): 451-453.
18. Lu, Xiaoli; Xue, Lan. Managing the unexpected: sense- making in the Chinese emergency management system : sense- making in the Chinese NEMS. Public Administration, 2016, 94(2): 414-429.
19. Kong, Dejing; Feng, Qiang; Zhou, Yuan; Xue, Lan. Local implementation for green-manufacturing technology diffusion policy in China: from the user firms' perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, (5).
20. Xue, Lan; Huang, Lucheng; Li, Xin; Zhou, Yuan. Roadmapping for industrial emergence and innovation gaps to catch-up: a patent-based analysis of OLED industry in China. International Journal of Technology Management, 2016, 72(1/2/3): 105.
21. Huang, Junling; Shi, Dongbo; Xue, Lan; Narayanamurti, Venkatesh. A case study of a world-class research project accomplished in China: discovery of quantum anomalous hall effect. National Science Review, 2016, (10).
21. Xin Li, Yuan Zhou, Lan Xue, Lucheng Huang, Integrating bibliometrics and roadmapping methods: A case of dye-sensitized solar cell technology-based industry in China, Technology Forecast and Social Change, 97 (2015), 205-222 (English)
22. Chen, Y., Rong, K., Xue, L. and Luo, L. (2014). Evolution of collaborative innovation network in China’s wind turbine manufacturing industry, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 65, Nos. 1/2/3/4, pp.262–299. (English)
23. C.S.F. Chi, J. Xu, L. Xue (2013). Public participation in environmental impact assessment for public projects: a case of nonparticipation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 02 Jul 2013. (English)
24. Tsai-Tsu Su, Richard M. Walker and Lan Xue (2013). Reform and transition in Public Administration Theory and Practice in Greater China. Public Administration: An International Quarterly, Volume 91, pp 253–260, November 2, 2013. (English)
25. Lan Xue (2012). The shifting global order: a dangerous transition or an era of opportunity? Governance, Volume 25, Issue 4, pages 539–541, October 2012. (English)
26. Kuotsai Tom Liou, Lan Xue and Keyong Dong (2012). China’s Administration and Civil Service Reform: An Introduction. Review of Public Personnel Administration, June 2012; 32(2), pp. 108-114., first published on April 1, 2012. (English)
27. Lan Xue and Kuotsai Tom Liou (2012), Government Reform in China: Concepts and Reform Cases, Review of Public Personnel Administration, June 2012, vol. 32, 2: pp.115-133, first published on March 28, 2012. (English)
28. Xue, Lan, and Kaibing Zhong, Domestic reform and global integration: public administration reform in China over the last 30 years, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 78(2) 284–304, 2012.(English)
29. Jian Wang, Lan Xue, and Zheng Liang, Multinational R&D in China: From home-country-based to host-country-based, Innovation: Management, policy & practice (2012) 14(2): 278–288. (English)
30. Xue, Lan, The prizes and pitfalls of success, Nature, Vol. 454, 24 July, 2008. (English)
31. Xue Lan, Simonis, Udo, and Dudek, Daniel, Environmental Governance in China: Recommendations of a Task Force, Environmental Politics, Vol.16, No.4, 669-676, August 2007. (English)
32. Lan Xue, Breaking Deadlocks in Global Governance: How to make the L-20 Work, Global Governance,13(2007)320-323. (English)
33. Zhu, Xufeng, and Lan Xue, Think Tanks in Transitional China, Public Administration and Development, 27, 452-464 (2007). (English)
34. Xue Lan and Nancy Forbes,Will China Become a Science and Technology Superpower by 2020? An assessment based on a national innovation system framework,Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization,Vol.1, No. 4, 2006, 111-126. (English)
35. Lan Xue, A historical perspective of China’s innovation system reform: A Case Study Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,v14, n1 Mar. 1997.(English)