• 李善同,高宇宁,何建武,《全球价值链视角下的国内区域分工及市场一体化》,经济科学出版社,2024.
• 孟渤,高宇宁,《全球价值链、中国经济增长与碳排放》,社会科学文献出版社,2017(ISBN 9787520107365)。
• Yuning Gao and D’Maris Coffman, Renminbi Internationalization: Economic Forecasting and Policy Scenarios Analysis, Searching Finance, 2014. (ISBN 978-1-907720-80-2).
• Yuning Gao, China as the Workshop of the World: An Analysis at the National and Industrial Level of China in the International Division of Labour, London and New York: Routledge, 2012. (ISBN 978-0-415-60405-5 Hardback 978-1-138-81685-5 Paperback).
• Quanrun Chen, Yuning Gao, Chen Pan, Dingyi XU, Kun Cai, Dabo Guan, Qi He, Shantong Li, Wanqi Liu, Bo Meng, Zhi Wang, Yang Wang, Xianchun Xu, Peihao Yang, Meichen Zhang, and Yuanqi Zhou,“An interprovincial input–output database distinguishing firm ownership in China from 1997 to 2017”, Scientific Data, 2023, Issue 10, No. 293, 1-25.
• Yuning Gao, Bo Meng, Gabriele Suder, Jiabai Ye and Yongping Sune, Making global value chains visible: Transnational corporations versus domestically owned firms, Transnational Corporations, Vol. 30, 2023, Number 1, 1-48.
• Meng Li, Yuning Gao, Bo Meng, Jing Meng, Tracing embodied energy use through global value chains: Channel decomposition and analysis of influential factors, Ecological Economics (SSCI), 2023, 208, 107766, 1-15.
• Bo Meng, Yu Liu, Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Zhi Wang, Jinjun Xue, Robbie Andrew, Kuishuang Feng, Ye Qi, Yongping Sun, Huaping Sun Keying Wang, Developing countries’ responsibilities for CO2 emissions in value chains are larger and growing faster than those of developed countries, One Earth (SCIE), 2023, Vol. 6, Iss. 2, 17 February 2023, Pages 167-181.
• Meng Li, Bo Meng, Yuning Gao, Joaquim J.M. Guilhoto, Keying Wang, Yong Geng, Material footprints in global value chains with consideration of multinational enterprises, Resources, Conservation & Recycling (SSCI), 2023, Vol. 190, 106828, 1-22.
• Ying Chen, Yuning Gao, Comparative analysis of digital trade development strategies and governance approaches,Journal of Digital Economy, 2022,Vol.1, 227-238.
• Wenyin Cheng, Qingchun Wang, Xin Ouyang, Yize Xie, Yuning Gao, Anqi Yu, Effect of Economic and Technological Development Zones on Green Innovation: Learning by Importing Perspective, Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI), 2022, Vol. 30, Iss. 6, 1-16.
• Xia Pan, Wenyin Cheng, Yuning Gao, The impact of privatization of state-owned enterprises on innovation in China: A tale of privatization degree, Technovation (SSCI), 2022, Vol. 118, 102587, 1-13.
• Bo Meng, Yuning Gao, Jiabai Ye, Meichen Zhang, Yuqing Xing, Trade in factor income and the US-China trade balance, China Economic Review (SSCI), 2022, Vol.73, 101792, 1-18.
• Anqi Yu, Guankun Liu, Yuning Gao, Intergenerational Occupational Mobility, Labor Migration and Sustained Demographic Dividends, Sustainability (SSCI), 2022, Vol.14, No. 5, 3110, 1-21.
• Quanrun Chen, Yuning Gao, Jiansuo Pei, Gaaitzen de Vries, Fei Wang, China’s domestic production networks, China Economic Review (SSCI), 2022, Vol.72, 101767, 1-25.
• Xi Li, Zhigang Ouyang, Qiong Zhang, Wenlong Shang, Liqiao Huang, Yi Wu, Yuning Gao,Evaluating food supply chain emissions from Japanese household consumption,Applied Energy (SCI), Volume 306, Part B, 15 January 2022, 118080, 1-11.
• Yuning Gao, Gengyun Cheng, Yingjun Ma, An analysis of the comprehensive efficiency and its determinants of China's National Champions: Competition Neutrality vs. Ownership Neutrality, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI), 2021, Vol. 59, 320-329
• Jingwen Huo, Jing Meng, Zengkai Zhang, Yuning Gao, Heran Zheng, D'Maris Coffman, Jinjun Xue, Yuan Li, Dabo Guan, Drivers of fluctuating embodied carbon emissions in international services trade, One Earth (ESCI), 2021, Vol. 4, Iss. 9, 1322-1332
• Xia Pan, Wenyin Cheng, Yuning Gao, Tomas Balezentis, Zhiyang Shen, Is environmental regulation effective in promoting the quantity and quality of green innovation?, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCIE), 2021, Vol.28, 6232–6241
• Larry Li, Adela McMurray, Xiaomeng Li, Yuning Gao, Jinjun Xue, The diminishing marginal effect of R&D input and carbon emission mitigation, Journal of Cleaner Production (SSCI), 2021, Vol. 282, 124423, 1-14
• Yuning Gao, Meichen Zhang, Jinghai Zheng, Accounting and determinants analysis of China's provincial total factor productivity considering carbon emissions, China Economic Review (SSCI), 2021, Vol.65,101576, 1-24
• Meng Li, Yuning Gao, Bo Meng, Zhusong Yang, Managing the mitigation: Analysis of the effectiveness of target-based policies on China’s provincial carbon emission and transfer, Energy Policy (SSCI), 2021, Vol.151, 112189, 1-15
• Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Jinjun Xue, Yu Liu, Evaluation of effectiveness of China's carbon emissions trading scheme in carbon mitigation, Energy Economics (SSCI), 2020, Vol.90, 104872, 1-15
• Xia Pan, Yuning Gao, Dong Guo, Wenyin Cheng, Does Higher Education Promote Firm Innovation in China?, Sustainability (SSCI), 2020, Vol. 12, No.18, 7326.
• Meng Li, Yuning Gao, Shenglong Liu, “China’s Energy Intensity Change in 1997-2015: Non-vertical adjusted Structural Decomposition Analysis Based on Input-Output Tables”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI), 2020, Vol. 53, pp. 222-236
• Yuning Gao, Meng Li, Yufeng Lu, “What Can Be Learned from Billions of Invoices? The Construction and Application of China’s Multiregional Input-Output Table Based on Big Data from the Value-Added Tax”, Emerging Market Finance and Trade (SSCI), 2020, Vol.56, pp. 1925-1941.
• Yuning Gao, Meichen Zhang, Xinran Liu, “Study on the Efficiency Measurements and Influence Factors of Development Financial Institutions”, Emerging Market Finance and Trade (SSCI), 2020, Vol.56, No.8, pp.1765-1780
• Xintong Zhao, Miao Yu, Yuning Gao, “Factor Decomposition of China’s Industrial Electricity Consumption Using Structural Decomposition Analysis”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI), 2019, Vol.51, pp.67-76
• Yuning Gao, Meichen Zhang, “An Analysis of China’s Provincial Level Technical Efficiency with Carbon Emission Factored in and its Structural Determinants”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI), 2019, Vol.49, pp.120-129.
• Yuning Gao, Wenyin Cheng and Quanxi Yuan, “Understanding the Global Imbalance through Outsourcing Activity in China”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Review, 2018, Vol. 16, No.4, pp. 337-356.
• Bo Meng, Yu Liu, Robbie Andrewe, Meifang Zhou, Klaus Hubacek, Jinjun Xue, Glen Peters, Yuning Gao, “More than half of China’s CO2 emissions are from micro, small and medium sized enterprises”, Applied Energy (SCI), 2018, Vol. 230, pp.712–725.
• Yuning Gao, Miao Yu, “Analysis on the Economic Impact of South-to-North Water Diversion on Industrial Sectors in Beijing”, Journal of Economic Structures, 2018, Vol.7, Iss.4, pp.1-17.
• Yuning Gao, Yunfeng Zheng, Angang Hu, “Input-Output-Based Genuine Value Added and Genuine Productivity in China's Industrial Sectors (1995-2010)”, Singapore Economic Review (SSCI), 2018, Vol.63, No.2, pp. 213–228.
• Yu Liu, Bo Meng, Klaus Hubacek, Jinjun Xue, Kuishuang Feng, Yuning Gao, “’Made in China: A Reevaluation of Embodied CO2 Emissions in Chinese Exports using Firm Heterogeneity Information”, Applied Energy (SCI), 2016, Vol.184, pp.1106-1113.
• Yuning Gao,Angang Hu, “China as the Workshop of the World: Perspective of Processing Activities and Foreign Invested Enterprises”, Emerging Market Trade and Finance (SSCI), 2014, Vol. 50, No. 5.
• Angang Hu, Yuning Gao, Yilong Yan,Xing Wei, “China’s Role in the Rising of the South:Vision for 2030”, IDS Bulletin (SSCI), 2014, Vol.45, No. 4.
• Yuning Gao, “China’s Changing Workplace: Dynamism, Diversity and Disparity”, The China Journal (SSCI), No. 71, January 2014.
• Yuning Gao,D’Maris Coffman, “Renminbi Internationalization as a Response to the Global Imbalance”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Review, 2013, Vol. 11, No.2.
• Yuning Gao,Angang Hu, “Comparative Study on the Development Mode of China’s Iron and Steel Industry”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Review, 2009, Vol. 7, No.3.
• 李萌,夏昕鸣,高宇宁,胡鞍钢,“碳中和目标下的国内价值链隐含碳与省级减排路线图设计”,《国际经济评论》,2023年,知网网络首发.
• 邢予青,孟渤,高宇宁,“中美贸易不平衡与全球价值链”,《国际金融研究》,2023年第1期。
• 于安琪,刘冠坤,高宇宁,“中国制造业SO2排放分解效应分析”,《经济学报》,第9卷,第4期,2022年12月。
• 陈颖,高宇宁,“中国数字贸易发展的国际比较与借鉴”,《国际贸易》, 2022年第5期。
• 于淼,高宇宁,胡鞍钢,“中国家庭储蓄率反生命周期之谜——基于竞争性储蓄视角的分析”,《中国人口·资源与环境》,2021年第3期。
• 刘生龙,张君忆,高宇宁,“跨省移民与犯罪:来自中国的实证证据”,《学术研究》,2018年第5期。
• 胡鞍钢,任皓,高宇宁,“国际金融危机以来美国制造业回流政策评述”,《国际经济评论》,2018年第2期。
• 胡鞍钢,张君忆,高宇宁,“对外援助与国家软实力:中国的现状与对策”,《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》,2017年第3期。
• 胡鞍钢,地力夏提·吾布力,杭承政,高宇宁,“一带一路“先行军”与“主力军”——对央企的调研与分析”,《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2017年第2期。
• 胡鞍钢,张新,高宇宁,“国有企业:保障国家财政能力的重要基础”,《国家行政国产成人直播
• 胡鞍钢,郑云峰,高宇宁,“中国高耗能行业真实全要素生产率研究(1995-2010)——基于投入产出的视角”,《中国工业经济》,2015年第5期。
• 胡鞍钢,郑云峰,高宇宁,“对中美综合国力的评估(1990—2013年)”,《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学)》,2015年第1期。
• 刘生龙,高宇宁,胡鞍钢,“电力消费与中国经济增长”,《产业经济研究》,2014年第3期。
• 胡鞍钢,高宇宁,鄢一龙,“从落伍者、追赶者到超越者:中国工业百年发展之路(1913-2013)”,《浙江社会科学》,2013年第9期。
• 胡鞍钢,魏星,高宇宁,“中国国有企业竞争力评价(2003—2011):世界500强的视角”,《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学)》,2013年第1期。
• 胡鞍钢,郑京海,高宇宁,张宁,许海萍,“考虑环境因素的省级技术效率排名(1999 —2005)”,《经济学(季刊)》,第七卷第三期,2008年4月。
• Yuning Gao and Qizhen Wang, “China’s Global Investment: Structure, Route and Performance”, in Anna Jaguaribe ed., Direction of Chinese Global Investments: Implications for Brazil, Alexandre de Gusm?o Foundation Press, 2018 (ISBN 9788576317234).
• Yuning Gao, “China’s Investment to the Euro Zone: Structure, Route and Performance”, in Roberto Scazzieri ed., The Political Economy of the Eurozone, Cambridge University Press, 2017 (ISBN 9781107124011).
• Yuning Gao and Junyi Zhang, “Emerging China and Its Impact on ASEAN Economies”, in Young-Chan Kim ed. China and her Global production networks in Asia, Springer, 2016 (ISBN 9783319242309).
• Prince C. Cruz, Yuning Gao and Leilei Song, “Is China’s Financial Market Liquid Enough for RMB Internationalization?”, in Berry Eichengreen and Masahiro Kawai ed. Renminbi Internationalization: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges, Brooking Institution Press and Asian Development Bank, 2015 (ISBN: 9780815726111).
• 高宇宁,于淼,“技术变化与可持续发展:中国产业用电量视角的分析”,薛进军、蒋庆哲编《中国低碳经济发展报告2019》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2019年。
• 高宇宁,郑云峰,胡鞍钢,于淼,“中国工业行业的真实生产率:基于真实储蓄率方法的分析”,薛进军、赵忠秀编《中国低碳经济发展报告2016》,社科文献出版社,2015年。
• 高宇宁、郑云峰、胡鞍钢,“投入产出视角的工业真实增加值核算分析(1995-2010)”,薛进军、赵忠秀编《中国低碳经济发展报告2015》,社科文献出版社,2015年。