【时间】2024年5月17日(星期五)12:00-14:00(*11:30-12:00签到 提供午餐)
【主题】"The Political Economy of Technology Transfer Policy in Post-WTO China."(后WTO时代中国技术转移政策的政治经济学)
【主持人】陈 玲 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
【主讲人】John Minnich 哥伦比亚大学哥伦比亚-哈佛中国与世界项目博士后研究员,宾夕法尼亚大学当代中国研究中心研究员
This project examines China's use of technology extraction policies, defined as measures that condition foreign market access on technology transfers to domestic firms. I argue bureaucratic fragmentation and China's position in global value chains (GVCs) constrain its bargaining power over foreign investors, limiting the use of tech extraction policies even in highly strategic sectors. Case studies and analysis of a new industry-level dataset from 1995-2015 suggest centralizing reforms facilitated increased use of tech extraction policies in strategic industries over time. However, China's reliance on foreign firms to drive export growth and associated employment undercuts the use of these policies in strategic industries in which it occupies an intermediate position in transnational value chains. My findings show how regulatory institutions and GVCs shape the political economy of bargaining over technology transfer between states and firms, and how position in production networks influences the strategic choices behind China's economic rise.
John Minnich is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program at Columbia University and Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for the Study of Contemporary China. He received his PhD in Political Science from MIT in 2023, where his dissertation examines foreign technology transfer policies in post-WTO China. Broadly, he is interested in industrial policy in China and its impact on China's technological rise and its foreign relations. In September 2024, John will start as an Assistant Professor of International Political Economy at the London School of Economics.
