【主题】 蓝天还是明亮的灯光?中国运动式环境治理的实证分析
【时间】 2021年12月2日(周四)15:00-17:00
【地点】 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
【主讲人】 胡彬 清华大学气候变化与可持续发展研究院副研究员
朱俊明 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
副教授,Journal of Industrial Ecology联合主编
刘生龙 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
【主持人】 赵静 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
【会议形式】 现场会议
【语言】 中文
【主办】 清华大学产业发展与环境治理研究中心(CIDEG)
胡彬,现为清华大学气候变化与可持续发展研究院副研究员,主要的研究领域包括环境与资源经济学,气候变化与风险管理,气候谈判和外交。他的论文发表在Environmental and Resource Economics,Economics and Human Biology等多个知名专业期刊,其中论文“Climatic variations and the market value of insurance firms” 获得Journal of Insurance Issues和美国圣约翰大学风险管理、保险与精算国产成人直播
共同授予的年度最佳论文第二名,并被邀请到纽约参加 “纽约保险管理论坛”发表特邀演讲。同时,他还承担了国家社科基金重大项目子课题,以及多个省部级项目,并多次参与了国际货币基金组织的咨询工作。
Both environmental challenges and achievements in China are well known. In this study, we use monthly PM2.5 and nighttime light data for prefectural-level cities in China to empirically illustrate that Central Environmental Inspection, a national campaign-style enforcement which was institutionalized with cadre evaluation system and informal political networks, was effective to deliver quick but short-lived pollution reduction at significant economic cost. Our estimates show that the economic sacrifice was outweighed the benefits of cleaner environment through CEIs. City political leaders bearing network ties with the incumbent provincial leaders tend to respond with different degree of vigor to fulfill administrative tasks for environmental protection. The study adds to a growing body of literature to bring formal and informal institutional factors under an analytical lens to empirically investigate the proactive role of these factors in shaping trajectory of environmental and economic change in China.