Workshop on Environmental Economics: Costs and Benefits of Environmental Policy
September 27, 2021 (Whole day)
The University of Hong Kong, Beijing Center
会议形式Meeting Form:
现场会议 on-site meeting
线上直播 live stream (腾讯会议ID:626 976 894)
Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance,Tsinghua University
The University of Hong Kong, Beijing Center
上午会议 Morning Session
主持人:赵 静 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
副教授; 清华大学产业发展与环境治理研究中心主任助理
Host: Zhao Jing Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Director Assistant, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University
9:20-9:30 致欢迎辞 Welcome Address
朱旭峰 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
Zhu Xufeng Professor, Executive Associate Dean, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Executive Director, Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University
王俭锐 香港大学北京中心主任
Wang Jianrui Director, The University of Hong kong, Beijing Center
Introduction to Three REEP Review Articles on Environment of China
中国向污染宣战: 前五年的证据
China’s War on Pollution: Evidence from the First 5 Years
发言人:何国俊 香港大学经管国产成人直播
Speaker:He Guojun Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Department of Management and Strategy, Business School, The University of Hong Kong; Research Director, Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, China Center (EPIC-China)
Navigating and Evaluating the Labyrinth of Environmental Regulation in China
发言人:张俊杰 昆山杜克大学环境经济学副教授、昆山杜克大学环境政策硕士项目主任、昆山杜克大学环境研究中心主任
Speaker:Zhang Junjie Associate Professor, Environmental Economics, Director of the Master's Program in Environmental Policy, And Director of the Center for Environmental Studies, Duke Kunshan University
Renewable Electricity Development in China: Policies, Performance, and Challenges
发言人:王 敏 北京大学国家发展研究院长聘副教授、北大环境与能源研究中心副主任、Environment for Development中国中心主任
Speaker:Wang Min Associate Professor, National School of Development, Peking University; Deputy Director, Environmental and Energy Research Center, Peking University; Director, Environment for Development China Center
主讲发言 Keynote Speech
30 minutes speech + 15 minutes discussion for each speaker
10:20-11:05 论文报告 Paper Report 1
Promoting Local Compliance with Credible Signaling: Evidence from China’s Central Environmental Protection Inspection
发言人:朱旭峰 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
Speaker: Zhu Xufeng Professor, Executive Associate Dean, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Executive Director, Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University
11:05-11:50 论文报告 Paper Report 2
Anti-social Responses to “Coal to Gas”: An Unexpected Consequence of China’s Clean Winter Heating Policy
发言人:曹 静 清华大学经济管理国产成人直播
Speaker:Cao Jing Associate Professor, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
11:50-12:35 论文报告 Paper Report 3
Citizen Participation and Government Accountability: National-Scale Experimental Evidence from Pollution Appeals in China
发言人:张 炳 南京大学环境国产成人直播
Speaker: Zhang Bing Ph.D., Professor, School of the Environment, Nanjing University; Director, Center for Environmental Management and Policy Study, Nanjing University-Jiangsu Department of Environmental Protection
下午会议 Afternoon Session
主持人:何国俊 香港大学经管国产成人直播
Host: He Guojun Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Department of Management and Strategy, Business School, The University of Hong Kong; Research Director, Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, China Center (EPIC-China)
主讲发言 Keynote Speech
14:00-14:45 论文报告 Paper Report 4
How Does the Environmental Regulation Reshape the Industry Structure?
发言人:王 敏 北京大学国家发展研究院(长聘)副教授、北大环境与能源研究中心副主任、Environment for Development中国中心主任
Speaker: Wang Min Associate Professor, National School of Development, Peking University; Deputy Director, Environmental and Energy Research Center, Peking University; Director, Environment for Development China Center
14:45-15:30 论文报告 Paper Report 5
Energy Upgrade, Extreme Weather and Mortality: Evidence from China
发言人:赖汪洋 上海财经大学助理教授
Speaker: Lai Wangyang Assistant Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
15:45-16:30 论文报告 Paper report 6
COVID – 19封城、空气污染和意外的健康改善
COVID Lockdowns, Air Pollution, and the Unexpected Health Gain
发言人:何国俊 香港大学经管国产成人直播
Speaker: He Guojun Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Department of Management and Strategy, Business School, The University of Hong Kong; Research Director, Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, China Center (EPIC-China)
16:30-17:15 论文报告 Paper Reprot 7
The Effectiveness of Pollution Levy in Reducing Firm Emissions
发言人:张俊杰 昆山杜克大学环境经济学副教授、昆山杜克大学环境政策硕士项目主任、昆山杜克大学环境研究中心主任
Speaker: Zhang Junjie Associate Professor, Environmental Economics, Director of the Master's Program in Environmental Policy, And Director of the Center for Environmental Studies, Duke Kunshan University
17:15-18:00 论文报告 Paper Reprot 8
Norms and Corporate Sustainability
发言人:朱俊明 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
副教授,华宇冠名副教授,Journal of Industrial Ecology联合主编
Speaker: Zhu Junming Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Huayu named Associate Professor; co-editor, Journal of Industrial Ecology
18:00-18:10 会议总结
陈 玲 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
Chen Ling Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University; Director, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance