主 题:How a large international oil and gas company can contribute to the energy transition?
主讲人:Paul Jefferiss 英国石油公司政策主管
张建宇 美国环保协会北京代表处首席代表
高宇宁 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
Paul Jefferiss is BP Group’s Head of Policy, responsible for developing and advocating BP’s public policy positions on climate, energy, environment and social policy. He is also BP’s Executive Committee Member of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), which is a coalition of 13 national and international oil and gas companies (including BP, CNPC, Saudi Aramco, Shell, & ExxonMobil) working actively to strengthen and accelerate OGCI members’ contributions to the energy transition. OGCI Climate Investments (CI) has committed $1billion USD to support innovation and deployment of low carbon technologies and activities critical to reducing GHG emissions, including CCUS, methane leakage reduction, and energy efficiency.