Title: Past and Present Futures in Public Administration and Policy: Reflecting on a Half-Century
主 题:公共管理与公共政策的过去、现在与将来:半个世纪的回顾
Speaker: Professor David H. Rosenbloom
Distinguished Professor, School of Public Affairs at American University
Chinese Thousand Talents Professor, School of Public Administration and Policy at Renmin University
Moderator: Professor Yang Yongheng
Professor and Associate Dean, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Discussant: Professor Mei Ciqi
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University Associate and Managing Editor of China Public Administration Review
Time: Monday, October 21, 2019, 19:00-21:00
Venue: Room 620, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
Speaker Biography:
David H. Rosenbloom is Distinguished Professor of Public Administration in the School of Public Affairs at American University in Washington, DC and Chinese Thousand Talents Professor of Public Administration in the School of Public Administration and Policy at Renmin University of China. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago. Professor Rosenbloom writes extensively about public administrative theory and law. He is a member of the U.S.National Academy of Public Administration.
戴维·H·罗森布鲁姆(David H. Rosenbloom),现任美国华盛顿特区的美利坚大学(American University)公共事务国产成人直播
公共行政学杰出教授,美国国家行政科学研究院院士。他于芝加哥大学获得博士学位。主要研究领域为公共行政与法律的相关理论。作为具有国际声誉的公共行政学家,罗森布鲁姆教授曾担任美国公共行政学会(American Society of Public Administration, ASPA)会长和《公共行政评论》(Public Administration Review, PAR)主编。
In his lecture, Professor Rosenbloom will review and reflect on the intellectual history of the study of U.S. public administration and public policy studies over the past half-century. His analysis will partly draw on his personal interactions with some of the major contributors to the historical development of these fields and his experiences as coeditor in chief of the Policy Studies Journal (1985-1990), editor in chief of Public Administration Review (1991-1996), and editor in chief of the Routledge Series in Public Administration and Public Policy, 2011-present.