主 题:面向减贫的普惠性农村金融——国际农业发展基金会的经验
主讲人:Ms. Hoonae Kim 国际农业发展基金会亚洲和太平洋地区主任
主持人:高宇宁 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
时 间:2017年5月22日(星期一)14:00-15:30
地 点:国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
语 言:英语
主 办:国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
承 办:清华大学全球可持续发展研究院
Ms. Hoonae Kim, a Korean national, is currently the Director for Asia and the Pacific Region (APR) at the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). IFAD HQ is based in Rome, Italy. IFAD is the only international financial institution (IFI) in the UN system and the largest IFI specializing in agricultural and rural development and providing innovative and sustainable financial, technical and policy package services. APR is the largest region covers 31 countries and has about $2 billion programmes under implementation. Ms. Kim joined IFAD as Director of APR through competitive recruitment processes in December 2012.
With three decades of international development experience, Ms. Kim has extensive managerial and operational track records of leading strategy and policy dialogues and program and project financing in more than 70 countries around the world. She started her career at the World Bank as the first Korean woman to be selected as a Young Professional in 1984. Her strategic and operational foresight helped develop new strategies and businesses in many countries in transition, including China, Former Soviet Union, East and Central Europe and other transition countries in Asia. Ms. Kim also managed the Agriculture and Environment Program in the Middle East and North Africa at the onset of the Arab Springs before moving to IFAD.
Ms. Kim served two consecutive three-year term as a member of the World Bank’s Sanctions Board and served on the Agriculture and Rural Sector and Environment Sector Boards of the World Bank. During 2010-2012, she was President of the World Bank-IMF Korean Staff Association. Ms. Kim was educated in University of California Berkeley, McGill and Cornell University.