题 目:人性力量的心理学研究:危机中强势领导力的影响
主讲人:Amy L. Ai 教授,佛罗里达州立大学前科研副院长
主持人:彭宗超 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
评论人:刘求实 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
时 间:2017年5月23号(星期二)19:00-21:00
地 点:国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
危机管理中最具挑战性的部分可能是公民、家庭和社区在面对灾难时如何保持复原力。近年来,专业人士主张危机中以力量为基础的管理和领导力发展,这一主张需要领导者更好地理解人类力量在混乱状态中对促进复原力和创伤后应激障碍增长起到的作用。本次沙龙将呈现心理学和管理学两个不同领域的重要框架和理论,大部分基于Amy教授的个人经验和集体创伤研究成果模型。首先,从两种类型灾难和复原力研究趋势来介绍一种研究复原力的四元综合模型;之后,概述与灾难、危机、精神创伤后两种类型的迅速恢复能力的成果有关的健康的两种形式;然后,回顾积极心理学创始人Christopher Peterson博士(Amy教授的导师)的生平以及他在提升性格优势和人类美德方面有影响力的工作。最后,介绍与管理有关的社区复原能力研究的话题和差距。
Amy L. Ai,博士,跨学科行为科学家、教授,佛罗里达州立大学前科研副院长。发表研究文章120篇,著作一部。她担任由联邦、州和基础机构资助项目负责人,并是众多公共和私人资金机构的科学基金评审者,如美国国防部、卫生和公共服务部、国家卫生研究院等。在积极心理学发起人Christopher Peterson博士的指导下,其论文获得密歇根大学研究生院杰出论文奖。从她在美国国立卫生研究院从事博士后研究开始,主要集中在创伤、恢复力、生存危机和积极心理学的跨学科研究,负责项目涉及地区战争、恐怖袭击、国家灾难和儿童创伤,与国际著名心理学家Ray Baumeister博士合作完成了意志力的临床试验研究。她在集体创伤方面的出色研究使她成功入选布莱特高级专家项目,并先后受全额资助赴德国柏林、慕尼黑和上海进行学术研究和交流。她也是心理科学协会研究员、美国心理协会成员,并由州长任命为华盛顿老龄委员会(SCOA)董事会成员。
Psychological Research of Human Strength: Implications for Strength-based Leadership in Crisis
Abstract: One of the most challenging part in crisis or emergency management may lie in how to maintain resilience of citizens, families, and communities that are facing adversity. In recent years, professionals have advocated strength-based management and leadership development in crisis. This call necessitates the need for leaders to better understand the role of human strengths in order to facilitate resilience and posttraumatic growth in chaos. This presentation will present an overview of important framework and theories underlying this meeting point between two different areas—psychology and management, partly based on Prof. Ai’s own experiences and outcome models in studying collective trauma and. First, she will introduce a four-element integrative model of studying Resiliencefollowing two types of adversity and the trend of resilient research. Next, she will outline two forms of Wellbeing that are associated with two types of resilient outcomes in the aftermath of disasters, crises, and trauma. Then, in honor of her passing mentor, Christopher Peterson, PhD, a founder of Positive Psychology. She will reflect on his life and influential work in promoting character strengths and human virtues that offer scientific measures for predictors of resilience. Finally, she will return to the topic and gap of community resilience research in relation to management.
Biosketch: Amy L. Ai, PhD, is an interdisciplinary behavioral scientist, Professor (Full), and a former Associate Dean of Research at the Florida State University. Dr. Ai has published 120 research articles and a book. She has been funded by Federal, State, and foundational agencies. Besides her other roles in public services, she is a scientific grant reviewer for major public and private funding agencies (e.g., USDepartments of State and Defense, Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health/NIH). Mentored by Christopher Peterson, PhD, a founding father of thePositive Psychology movement, her dissertation won the Distinguished Dissertation Award of the University of Michigan Graduate School. Since her NIH postdoctoral training, Dr. Ai’s scholarship has centered on interdisciplinary research on trauma, resilience, existential crises, and positive psychology. Her projects involve a regional war, terrorist attacks, national disasters, and childhood trauma in minorities. She has just completed a clinical trial on the role of Will Power with Ray Baumeister, PhD, an internationally renowned psychologist. Dr. Ai’s work in collective trauma led to invitations for her to serve a Senior Fulbright Specialist to Berlin and Munich, Germany, and subsequently, another award to Shanghai, China.Dr. Ai is Fellow of the Association of Psychological Science, American Psychological Association (Divisions 56/trauma, 38/health, 36/spirituality, and 20/aging). She had served as s a Gubernatorial Appointee as a board member on the Washington State Council on Aging (SCOA).