主 题:Shaping digital future with innovation and people
主讲人:Lothar Herrmann
CEO Siemens Greater China
President and CEO Siemens Ltd., China
主持人:薛澜 教授
时 间:2017年4月13日(星期四) 14:00-15:30
14:00–15:30,Thursday,April 13 2017,
地 点:国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
Room321, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University
语 言:英文
The era of big data has arrived. The fundamental trend of digitalization is leading to a paradigm shift for all industries. The lecturer approaches the topic of digitalization from three perspectives: manufacturing (Industrie 4.0), energy efficiency and intelligent infrastructure. He will also introduce Siemens’ digitalization business strategy and how Siemens innovates to help companies succeed in the digital age. Moreover, the lecturer will discuss how digitalization is changing talent development and skill requirements, and give suggestions on how to adapt to the changes.
赫尔曼于2013年11月开始担任西门子大中华区首席执行官、西门子(中国)有限公司总裁兼首席执行官。与西门子中国结缘于1995年,当时他被任命为西门子(中国)有限公司企业战略总监兼中国工作组负责人,他对中国市场的了解也由此逐步加深。在担任现职之前,赫尔曼从2009年2月开始任西门子(新加坡)有限公司总裁兼首席执行官,负责西门子东盟及太平洋业务区事务。 赫尔曼于1991年加入西门子股份公司,最初担任国际业务亚洲区经理,后陆续担任多个管理职位,涉及公司战略、能源、工业和地区业务运营等多个方面,取得了丰富的专业经验。他曾在德国、孟加拉、中国、泰国和新加坡等国家及地区工作,积累了广泛的国际业务知识。
Lothar Herrmann is CEO Siemens Greater China, and President and CEO of Siemens Ltd., China since November 2013. Herrmann has been associated with Siemens China since 1995 when assumed the position as Director of Corporate Strategy of Siemens Ltd., China and the Head of Task Force China in Beijing, and has since then developed in-depth understanding of the Chinese market. Before taking his current position, he was President and CEO of Siemens Pte Ltd. Singapore since February 2009, responsible for the ASEAN-Pacific Region. Herrmann joined Siemens AG in 1991, starting as Manager for International Region Asia and moving through various management positions obtaining expertise in many areas including strategy, energy, industry, and regional operation. With work experiences in Germany, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Singapore, etc., he has accumulated extensive knowledge and understanding of international business.