主 题:Peer-Informed Review of Proposals for High-Risk High-Reward Research
主讲人: Professor Richard N. Zare
Stanford University
主持人:梁正 副教授
罗 晖 研究员 中国科协创新战略研究院院长
陈兆莹 研究员 国家科技评估中心原副主任,联合国开发计划署评估办公室顾问
时 间:2016年11月4日(星期五) 14:00-16:00
14:00-16:00,November 4(Friday),2016
地 点:国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
Room 302, School of Public Policy and management, Tsinghua University
Prof. Zare propose a new funding mechanism through “Informed Peer Review” to meet the challenge where the on the going peer review system performed poorly in selecting and nurturing the High-risk and High Reward proposals. He will discuss the characteristics of the new mechanism in different dimensions including recruitment, management and evaluation, and open for discussion and suggestions.
Richard N. Zare教授,1939年生,1964年取得哈佛大学博士学位,现为斯坦福大学Marguerite Blake Wilbur自然科学讲席教授。 Zare教授现为美国科国产成人直播
、国家工程院、医学研究所联合成立的的科学、工程与公共政策委员会主席。Zare教授长期关注中国科技发展,曾担任国家自然科学基金委绩效与管理国际评估专家委员会主席,并获2012年度中国国际科技合作奖。 Prof. Zare Born in 1939 and received his B.A. degree in chemistry and physics in 1961 and his Ph.D. in chemical physics in 1964 from Harvard University. He is the Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science at Stanford University. Prof. Zare chaired the National Research Council's Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications during 1992-1995, and chaired the National Science Board the last two years of his 1992-1998 service. In 1997-2000 Professor Zare served as the Chair of the President's National Medal of Science Selection Committee. And most recently in 2012 Professor Zare was appointed chair of the Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (COSEPUP) of the three academies, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. Prof. Zare is member of National Academy of Sciences (1976), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1976), American Philosophical Society (1991), and the World Jewish Academy of Sciences (2004). Fellow of TWAS, Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (2009). Non-Resident Fellow of the Joint Institute of Laboratory Astrophysics (1969). Foreign Member of the Royal Society (London) (1999), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2004), and the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences (2004).He was also awarded Welch Award in Chemistry (1999), the Einstein Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2011), and the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award of the People's Republic of China (2012) and other numerous honors.