时 间:2015年9月7日(星期一)14:00-17:00
地 点:国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
题 目1: Systemic Governing in the Anthropocene
主讲人1:Professor Ray Ison
Professor Ison (a dual UK/Australian national) has international recognition and prestige within the Systems and Cybernetics academic community as evidenced by his leadership roles in the major Systems and Cybernetics societies as: President of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (2014-15); a Trustee of the American Society of Cybernetics (2008-15) and a Director of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (2011-15). During 2015 Ison led two international events designed to address some of the world’s most pressing problems under the aegis of ‘Governing the Anthropocene’ – see //isss.org/world/Berlin and //www.open.ac.uk/blogs/govan/. Through his initiative he secured funding from the VWStiftung to bring together 100 scholars plus 30 PhD students in systems and cybernetics from around the world to address the future direction and institutional arrangements for the trans-discipline which he has reframed as Cyber-systemics. He also delivered two keynote addresses. Investment has been achievable through his collaboration with Humboldt University, Berlin- see //www.wins.hu-berlin.de/ - and because of the international recognition of the academic contributions he has made at the UK Open University since 1994 as professor of Systems.
题 目2: Social learning for integrated and adaptive water governance - What does this mean for science, policy and implementation?
主讲人2:Doctor John Colvin
Director of Emerald Network Ltd
Dr John Colvin is a Director of Emerald Network Ltd, a leading-edge niche consultancy specialising in social and institutional learning for climate resilient and sustainable development. As well as designing short to medium term learning events and processes, Emerald Network have built an international reputation for pioneering the development of long term, multi-level institutional learning processes for transformational adaptation. John also consults widely on integrated and adaptive approaches to water governance and is a Visiting Research Associate of the Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University as well as a Principal with the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP).