主 题: Moving Innovation Policy from a Competition to a Transformative Change Agenda
主讲人:Professor Johan Schot
Director,Science Policy Research Unit, School of Business,Management and Economics, University of Sussex UK
主持人:梁正 副教授
点评人:顾淑林 中国科国产成人直播
陈 劲 清华大学经济管理国产成人直播
地 点:国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
时 间:2015年4月23日(星期四)16:00-17:30
语 言:英文
主 办:清华大学中国科技政策研究中心
This paper will develop the argument why innovation policy needs to get out of the ghetto of a too narrow focus on science and technology. The main reason is that the world is in transition. This shifting context for innovation puts completely new demands on innovation policy. In the first paper of the lecture I will discuss the various dimensions of the world in transition. I will not only deal with the current economic crisis, the digital revolution, globalization, and the emergence of new consumer markets both in the West and the Global South, but also discuss a number of persistent problems in the modern way of provisioning basic needs and argue why this is not sustainable in the long run. The conclusion of this section will be that we need to move away from a costly “business as usual approach” to these problems, and that it is time to address these issues head on through an innovation policy which aims at transformative change (and less at gaining a competitive advantage). In the second part of the lecture, I will discuss what that innovation policy should do? The argument will be that it should do two interrelated things: stimulate investment throughout the entire innovation chain, from invention, to innovation and diffusion, and it should provide direction to innovation, which is not always easy. Innovation policy should allow for more exploration and experimentation outside the narrow boundaries often set by prevailing paradigms.
Prof. Johan Schot joined the University of Sussex as the Director of SPRU – Science Policy Research Unit in January 2014. He is a Professor in the History of Technology and Sustainability Transitions Studies. He is also director of the Foundation for the History of Technology in Eindhoven. His research focuses on: 1) The origins, nature and outcomes of radical and long term sociotechnical change, in particular sustainability transitions; 2) The history and governance of transnational infrastructures, in particular the role of experts; 3) The development of a new transnational European history through the lens of technology, including wider issues of technocracy and democracy. Prior to coming to Sussex, he held academic posts at the Eindhoven University of Technology and University of Twente, Netherlands.
In 2009, Johan Schot was elected to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) for the genuine interdisciplinarity of his work. He is series editor (with Phil Scranton) of the prestigious Making Europe. Technology and Transformations Book Series with Palgrave (seewww.makingeurope.eu), the path breaking Routledge Studies in Sustainability Transitions//www.routledge.com/books/series/RSST/ and the Technology and European History book series with Amsterdam University Press/Chicago University Press, see//press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/series/AUP-TEH.html. He is also the initiator and founder of a number of influential national, European and global research programmes and networks.