题 目:How Theory Relates to Practice in Crisis Communication: Quest to Create Knowledge
主讲人:W. Timothy Coombs 博士 中佛罗里达大学尼尔克森传播国产成人直播
时 间:5月20日(星期二)12:00-14:00
地 点:国产成人直播
摘 要:
The presentation will review three important areas where theory and research have improved the practice of crisis communication. The theory and research prove what works in certain crisis situations and why those communication efforts work. The second part of the presentation examines how social media has created a demand for more research. Currently practitioners must use social media as part of crisis communication but there is limited research to guide their efforts. The presentation concludes with suggestions for future research and theory development.
W. Timothy Coombs (PhD from Purdue University in Public Affairs and Issues Management) is a full professor in the Nicholson School of Communication at the University of Central Florida. His crisis books include the award winning Ongoing Crisis Communication, Code Red in the Boardroom, and the co-edited The Handbook of Crisis Communication with Sherry Holladay. His other works include two award winning books with Sherry Holladay, Public Relations Strategy and Application: Managing Influence and It’s Not Just PR along with Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach (also co-authored with Sherry Holladay). Dr. Coombs has worked with consulting firms in the U.S. and Europe on ways to improve crisis communication efforts for their clients. He has given presentations to various corporations, government agencies, and profession groups about crisis management in Europe, the U.S., and Asia. His articles have appeared in a variety of journals including in the Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Journal of Public Affairs, Management Communication Quarterly, Journal of Business Communication, Journal of Communication Management International Journal of Strategic Communication., Journal of Promotion Management, Corporate Communication, and Corporate Reputation Review.