Speaker: Simon Commander, Managing Partner of Altura Partners
Yan Wang, Director of China Operations, Altura Partners
Time: 14:00-15:30, Thursday June 20th, 2013
Venue: Auditorium Hall, first floor, School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University
Language: English
Simon Commander is Managing Partner of Altura Partners which provides strategic and economic policy advice to top level decision makers in governments and companies in emerging markets (
www.alturapartners.org). He has worked on emerging markets for a long time including at senior levels in the World Bank in Washington DC and at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London where he is currently a Senior Adviser. He has also held faculty positions at London Business School where he was Director of the Centre for New and Emerging Markets between 1999-2008. He is currently Professor at IE Business School in Madrid where he teaches a MBA course on ‘Emerging Markets and the International Economy’. He has published widely, both in books and peer-reviewed journals. He holds a MA from Oxford University and a PhD from Cambridge University.
Dr. Yan Wang, Director of China Operations, Altura Partners has long & in-depth experience working with governments and the private sector in emerging market economies in Asia. Currently, she is also Visiting Professor at George Washington University and Senior Consultant at the UNDP & ADB. Previously, she worked as Senior Economist and Team Leader in the World Bank for 20 years. She also served as Research Coordinator of OECD-DAC and China Study Group for two years (2009-2011), worked on China-Africa Development Cooperation. She has authored many publications and received the SUN Yefang Award in Economics. Her most recent publication is a joint paper with Justin Yifu Lin on development financing, for the Post-2015 Development Goals, a United Nation Development Program, UN High Level Panel program, published on May 31,2013. contact details:
[email protected],
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