主 题:中国的可持续发展(Sustainable Development in China)
主讲人:郎德(Mark R. Lundell)
世界银行中蒙可持续发展局副局长(Sector Manager for China and Mongolia Department for Sustainable Development, World Bank)
主持人:齐晔教授(Professor Qi Ye)
中国可持续发展研究会理事(Professor of SPPM, Director of Chinese Society for Sustainable Development)
时 间: 2012.10.18(周四)晚上19:00/19:00 pm, Thursday
地 点:国产成人直播
一层报告厅/Lecture Hall of SPPM
语 言:英语/ English
中国可持续发展的现状、挑战、评价,世界银行如何推动中国的可持续发展?来自世界银行的郎德先生将为我们一一解读。近距离接触世行专家,揭开世行报告和世界银行的神秘面纱。 (Close contact with the World Bank expert, uncovering the mystery of the World Bank report and the World Bank.)
Mr. Lundell: the Sector Manager for the Sustainable Development Department (SD) for China and Mongolia(2012-),the Sector Leader for Brazil for Sustainable Development(2006-2012), the Lead Agricultural Economist in the ECA Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Department(1993-2006).