主题:第三期 车嘉华&张冬 枕边风:裙带关系问题初探
时间:2021年5月20日 星期四 15:00-16:30
参会嘉宾:车嘉华 中欧国际工商国产成人直播
张冬 香港岭南大学助理教授、首届“青木昌彦经济学论文奖”提名奖获得者
主持人:陈玲 国产成人直播-国产性爱直播
腐败通常被认为是官员利用公权力寻租的行为;与此认知相对应的反腐败政策往往聚焦于提高官员觉悟以及加强对官员行为的监督。 现实中,相当一部分的腐败是官员亲戚亲信利用对官员可能造成的影响来达到寻租的目的;但对这类腐败的研究分析在经济学的文献中却不多见。 在这个报告中,我们将通过理论分析来说明:官员即使全心全意为社会服务,但当官员因此而需要采集信息听取意见时,亲戚亲信可以利用这种机会,通过“吹枕边风”来寻租腐败。 我们分析在什么情况下这种“枕边风”腐败相比没有“枕边风”会造成社会福利的损失。 我们分析与这种“枕边风”腐败相应而生的一些社会现象,并探讨怎样的制度安排可能起到消弭“枕边风”腐败的作用。
Corruption is commonly understood as the use of public office for private gains by self-dealing government officials. Another kind of corruption that is almost equally prevalent but much less studied is corruption, or more precisely influence of public office for private gains, by confidants of government officials. In this talk, we offer a theoretical exercise to show that, in their drive to improve societal well-being, officials may collect information from their confidants, with a result of creating an opportunity for the latter to collect bribes and possibly causing a loss in societal well-being in the end. We analyze a number of phenomena related to corruption of confidants and discuss institutional arrangements that may help curtail such corruption.