The Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA)计划在2024年4月19-21日举办比较公共政策国际学术研讨会,并围绕“Artificial Intelligence, Data-driven Technologies, and Comparative Public Policy”主题组织专刊。欢迎国内外学者积极投稿。
Special Issue Track: Artificial Intelligence, Data-driven Technologies, and Comparative Public Policy
The International Conference on Comparative Public Policy
in Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
April 19-21, 2024, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Yixin Dai, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University ([email protected])
Jooho Lee, Professor, School of Public Administration, University of Nebraska, Omaha ([email protected])
The Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue focusing on Artificial Intelligence, Data-driven Technologies, and Comparative Public Policy.
The rapid development of emerging data-driven technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), has had a profound impact on social behaviors, necessitating urgent government regulation, which, in turn, brought significant changes to the field of comparative policy analysis, both in terms of theory and methodology.
Practically, the velocity of AI and data-driven technology developments, the complexity of what to regulate, and the question of who regulates and how, all pose significant challenges for AI oversight. Theoretically, to design policies and ensure that AI is applied in an ethical, secure, transparent, and human-centric manner across all sectors are often unclear. Both policy design, implementation and policy analysis can be facilitated by AI and data-driven technologies, but this requires careful consideration of the aforementioned challenges.
Given that AI-related policies have been designed and adopted across various policy fields in numerous countries and regions, it would be beneficial to explore these policy challenges from comparative perspectives. Topics relevant to this special issue include, but are not limited to:
Special features of AI oversight policies
AI and data-driven technologies in traditional policy design
Policy collaboration, co-ordination and coherence in policy design with regarding to AI and data-driven technologies
Unexpected and unintended consequences in implementation and dissemination of AI policies
AI and data-driven technologies usage and the quality and efficiency of comparative policy analysis
Ethical considerations when using AI technologies in comparative policy analysis
Reliability and validity of AI-assisted analysis
JCPA plans to organize a series of special sessions for this special issue at the International Conference on Comparative Public Policy, to be held at the School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, on April 19-21, 2024.
Scholars who are interested in this special issue should submit their abstracts, by January 15, 2024, through the conference website: //
All proposals must adhere to the AIMS and SCOPE of JCPA, and include the following information:
(1) Cover page: authors or (co)authors names, corresponding author, institutional affiliation, mailing address, email address;
(2) Text: of up to 500 words only considering: theoretical framework and/or development; methodology and/or development; research questions; findings and implications; innovations; unique contributions.
Please submit your abstract under the category “Special Issue Track: Artificial Intelligence, Data-driven Technologies, and Comparative Public Policy”. Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection will be sent via email, no later than January 31, 2024. If shortlisted, candidates should submit a full manuscript by April 12, 2024. Along with the manuscript, please provide a cover page with the author’s name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, and email address.
Only research that explicitly addresses comparative policy analysis will be considered. Please refer to the JCPA comparative scope criteria available here:
Only on submission of the full manuscripts and presenting the papers in-person at the conference, will the Special Issues Editors and the JCPA review the papers and shortlist them for submission, if shortlisted, through the Special Issue Portal on JCPA Scholar One. Papers should follow the JCPA guidelines, available here:
All papers will go through regular double blind peer review process and are not guaranteed for publication at JCPA. The Special Issue will receive priority slotting for publication once all accepted manuscripts are accepted. Those articles that do not meet the deadlines for final acceptance together with the other articles in the bundle, might be scheduled for publication, in regular issues once fully accepted independent of the special issue.
For inquiry about the special issue, please email: Dr. Yixin Dai ([email protected]).
For inquiry about the International Conference, please email: [email protected].