Public Administration Theories and Best Practices
Conference Chairs
Xue Lan
Dean, School of Public Policy and Management
Tsinghua University
Barry Bozeman
Regent Professor
Arizona State University
Program Directors
An Yu
Professor at SPPM
Director, Institute for Government Management and Innovation
G. Zhiyong Lan
Professor at SPPM
Director, Beijing Center for Organizational Learning & Urban Governance Innovation
Yongheng Yang
Professor at SPPM
Vice Dean, School of Public Policy & Management
Academic Advisory Committee Members
Archon Fung, Harvard University;
Ngaire Woods, Oxford University;
Hal Rainey, University of Georgia;
Richard Stillman, University of Colorado Denver;
Stuart Brestchneider, Arizona State University;
Richard Walker, City University of Hong Kong;
Jiang WU, President, Asia Group for Public Administration;
Call for Papers/征文启事
School of Public Policy and Management in Tsinghua University shall host an international symposium on frontier public administration theories and best practices in May 25-26, at Tsinghua University.
The conference shall feature the theme on how to define, promote, and implement public value through organizational actions (public, private, and hybrid organizations) and public policies in today’s globalized world. Papers on frontier public administration theories and best practices are particularly welcome. The symposium seeks to espouse cutting research work and innovative applications of public value theory in advancing modern governance capacity building, policy making, social development, and global collaboration from the perspective of public management and administration.
Concurrent Sessions would include but not limited to the following topics, and each session shall be led by a Chinese Scholar in collaboration with an invited international scholar or otherwise.
1. Frontier Theories of Public Administration in International Arena—public value perspective
2. International Comparative Studies of Governance Innovation
3. Modern Governance System and Capacity Building and Administrative Reform
4. Reform Practices and Anticorruption
5. Organizational Learning and Urban Governance Innovation
6. Public Ethics and Value
7. Party and Government Relations Building and Operation
8. Government and Business Relations and Supervisory System
9. Governance of Natural Resources
10. Information Technology Driven Governance Innovation
11. Central and Local Relations Reform
12. Collaborative Research in Science and Technology and Governance Innovation.
13. Researchers, graduate students as well as practitioners are welcome to present papers in the fields above.
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 20th , 2018
Full paper due: May 20, 2018
Acceptance Notice: April 25th, 2018 (Earlier submission shall receive earlier feedback)
To submit your abstract:
① // or using the QR Code below
(Your name, affiliated institution, position, papertitle, and abstract) .
Registration Fee: USD $300.00 or RMB ¥1500.00 (Before 10th May, 2018)
On-site registration: USD $400.00 or RMB ¥2000.00
*Participants need to pay their own accommodation and transportation expenses unless otherwise specified. Arrival Buffet and Gala Dinner shall be provided for free for registered delegates.
We steering committee and local organizing committee will review the abstracts and announce selection results by email no later than 30th April, 2018.
For participants in need of visas could either request a letter of invitation from our conference coordinator or apply for tourist visa to enter China (need to show either airplane tickets and hotel booking, or letters of invitation. Local international travel agency could help with two to three weeks lead time). Please be advised to apply for visa ASAP.
Tentative Program Schedule
Conference Hotels: Wenjin Hotel, Jia Suo Hotel, and Xijiao Hotel.
*A workshop on PUBLIC VALUE THEORY & MEASUREMENT shall be hold for interested young scholars. Welcome to participate (Registration Required).
Using the url or QR Code below.
Introduction of
Tsinghua University and
School of Public Management & Policy
Tsinghua University is China’s premiereengineering university that has also graduated the largest number of China’s top leaders. It was first established in 1911 with the purpose of preparing students to study abroad and developed into a full fledge university that gained global reputation.
Tsinghua University’s School of Public Management & Policy was established in 2001, the very first college level public administration program among its kind since China’s open door reform in the1980’s. It consists of faculty members holding PhD, Post-Doctoral degree inplaces such as Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, MIT, University of Chicago, Carnegie Mellon, and Syracuse’s Maxwell School, etc. other than homebred PhD’s from China’s reputable universities.
In the most recent national academic program assessment, the School is rated as one of the top two PA programs in China. Tsinghua University’s School of Public Management and Policy enjoys the very best students in China,has multiple international degree programs, and has a versatile faculty. It strives to build relationships with the best scholars around the world and seeks to train and cultivate local, national, and global leaders in areas of public and non-profit management.
For more information, please see:
①Tsinghua University, //
②School of Public Policy & Management, /
③OLUGI, //
*For questions, please email:
1. 国际视域中的公共管理前沿理论——公共价值视角
2. 政府创新国际比较研究
3. 现代治理体系与能力建设以及行政改革
4. 反腐败改革实践
5. 组织学习与城市治理创新
6. 公共伦理与价值
7. 党政关系建设与实践
8. 政商关系与监管体系
9. 自然资源治理
10. 信息化驱动下的治理创新
11. 央地关系改革
12. 科技与治理创新合作研究
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