2017 Commons Workshop
14th and 15th October 2017, Tsinghua University
清华大学 2017年10月14-15日
Beijing, China
2017 Commons Workshop will be held on 14th and 15th October 2017 at School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. This is the first professional academic conference of China around commons and the theme of this year’s workshop is Enhancing Water Governance and Policy. This workshop is organized by the China Institute for Rural Studies at Tsinghua University in collaboration with the Centre for Water Resources Research at Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Water Policy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, the Third World Centre for Water Management, the International Association for the Study of the Commons, the International Journal of the Commons, and the International Journal of Water Resources Development.
The study of the commons is a relatively new research field in China. This field comprises of an interdisciplinary domain with a theoretical and an applied focus on advancing understanding, the improvement of commons governance and management, and the crafting of sustainable solutions for community-based natural resources or any other form of shared resources. The Commons Workshop is a knowledge platform that aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and policymakers from different disciplines and sectors in order to discuss, understand, and promote the study of commons in China as well as in the rest of the world.
2017 Commons Workshop focuses on water governance and policy. As one of the typical commons, water is of special significance to China, whether in ancient or modern times. Entering into the new century, the water governance and policy in China is facing new challenges due to rapid economic growth, increasing urbanization, escalating water demands and land use, rampant air, water and soil pollution, and steadily growing demand of an expanding affluent and educated middle class for a better standard of living and quality of life.
The 2017 Commons Workshop seeks to explore sustainable and innovative water governing approaches and instruments which can be effectively used in countries like China. Challenges in water governance and related policy development are expected to be overcome by understanding how to enhance water governance under changing socioeconomic circumstances, people’s rising aspirations, how governing instruments and associated water policies respond to changes in local and regional contexts, and how to achieve sustainable human and water development in the coming decades. Keynote speeches will be delivered by the leading scholars well-known worldwide in this professional field in the first day of the Workshop.
We welcome papers and abstracts in English with a focus on water governance, innovation and transition of water policy and management in contemporary and rapidly changing China as well as in other developing countries. Abstracts can be submitted on any aspect of water governance, including:
我们欢迎聚焦当代中国及其他发展中国家的水治理、 创新及转型的英文论文和摘要。投稿摘要可以围绕以下水治理主题的任一方面:
- Self-governance and collective action in water governance水治理中的自主治理和集体行动;
- Design principles governing the water commons水公共事物治理制度的设计原则;
- Water or irrigation Social-Ecological System水或灌溉的社会生态系统;
- Decentralized reform of water sector水部门的分权改革;
- Water pricing and incentive mechanism水价与激励机制;
- Water rights and water market水权和水市场;
- Water User Associations用水户协会;
- Water policies to address climate change and fluctuations应对气候变化的水政策;
- Trans-regional collaborative water management跨区域协作水管理;
- Public administration and water governance公共行政和水治理;
- Policy process in water governance水治理的政策过程;
- Legal, regulatory and institutional aspects水治理中的法律、监管和制度.
【Submission Guidelines投稿须知】
● Key timelines
- Abstract submission deadline: 16th Jun. 2017 (Fri.).
- Acceptation notification date: 31st Jul. 2017 (Mon.).
- Full paper submission deadline: 15th Sep. 2017 (Fri.).
- Workshop time: 14th – 15th Oct. 2017 (Sat. – Sun.).
● 参会关键时间:
- 2017年6月16日(周五)前提交摘要。
- 2017年7月31日(周一)通知是否被录用的情况。
- 2017年9月15日(周五)前提交全文。
- 2017年10月14-15日(周六和周日)研讨会。
● Process for the abstract and full paper submission
- By 16th Jun. 2017, please download and fill the “2017 commons workshop - abstract submission form.doc” and email the .doc document with attachment to the Workshop Secretariat: [email protected];
- During 1st Aug. and 15th Sep. 2017, for the authors whose abstracts have been accepted, please download the “2017 commons workshop - full paper guidance.doc” and prepare your full paper with the guidance, emailing the .doc document with attachment to the Workshop Secretariat: [email protected].
● 提交摘要和论文程序:
- 2017年6月16日前,下载摘要提交表格,填写表格,以word附件形式电邮会议组委会:[email protected];
- 2017年8月1日至9月15日间,对于论文摘要被会议录用的参与者,请下载全文格式模板和要求,按照格式编辑全文,以word附件形式电邮会议组委会:[email protected]。
● Financial issues
- For participants whose papers are accepted for presentation at the workshop, conference registration fee is waived. Please note fare, accommodation and food are self-funded by participants.
● 参会财务事宜:
- 凡提交论文被会议录用者,免交会议注册费,会议提供一定的餐费补助,其它参会费用(包括旅费、当地食宿等花销)自理。
● Issues of submission, peer review and publication
- All submissions should be in English (either US or UK spelling are allowed).
- The text of your abstract should be 200-300 words and entered as flat-text.
- All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least two selected reviewers.
- Based on peer review of the abstracts, authors will be invited to present their full paper at this workshop.
- The presented papers that meet publication standards will be recommended to submit to International Journal of the Commons or International Journal of Water Resources Development. Papers will also be considered to be published on an edited book depending on the quality and quantity of presented papers.
● 提交、同行评审和发表事宜:
- 所有提交都必须是英文的。
- 摘要的文本长度在200-300字内,且纯文本方式(无表格图片等)。
- 所有的摘要将会送评审专家进行同行评阅。
- 基于摘要的同行评议,作者将应邀提交论文全文并在此次研讨会上宣读。
- 达到发表水平的宣讲论文将推荐向国际期刊《国际公共事物学报》(International Journal of the Commons)和《国际水资源发展期刊》(International Journal of Water Resources Development)投稿。根据宣读论文的数量和质量,高水平论文将考虑结集出版。
● Questions and more information:
- The WeChat: Governing the Commons
● 询问和更多信息请关注:
- 微信公众号:公共事物治理
Governing the Commons
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