International Journal of Water Resources Development
Call for Paper: Special Issue on ‘Innovation and Transformation of Water Policy and Management in China’
Guest Editors
Prof. Yahua Wang, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Prof. Xun Wu, Institute for Public Policy, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Dr. Cecilia Tortajada, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Objective and Scope
Water resources management in China confronts daunting challenges and enormous uncertainties due to the country’s rapid industrialisation and urbanisation of the past three decades. While there are clear signs of a looming water crisis, as evidenced by more frequent occurrences of droughts, widespread river pollution, and deteriorating water ecology, the policy-makers and public sector mangers are yet to come to grips with full impacts of challenges brought about by changes in local and regional contexts, as well as a set of unintended consequences of their actions. There is no doubt that the success in managing water resources would be a key to sustainable economic and social development in China, and that there is an urgent need to improve water resources management by studying the implications of changing socioeconomic circumstances, implementing effectiveness of new management practices, and impacts of policy interventions.
This Special Issue, entitled “Innovation and Transformation of Water Policy and Management in China”, focuses on change and transition of policy and management of water resources in China. Over the past decades, China’s approach to water policy has evolved from one dominated by engineering to one centred on integrated water resources management, during which various new governance principles, institutions and policy instruments have been introduced and experimented in a variety of areas, such as sustainable development between human and water, adaptive management, social learning, water rights, water markets, and water education.
These new developments have not been examined systematically. There is no doubt that water resources management in China will continue to evolve and develop as China makes further progress towards a high-income economy, and it is imperative to have an in-depth understanding of both the mechanisms and impacts of changes and transition of policy and management of water resources. The proposed special issue aims to fill in such a gap by bringing together cutting-edge research and best practice on water resources management in contemporary China. It seeks to critically and comprehensively analyse important innovations and transformations of managerial approaches, as well as new developments and associated challenges in water policies.
Main Topics
We are looking for papers that will address theories and practices of various key aspects of innovations and transformation of water policy and management in China, including but not limiting to:
·Integrated water resources management
·Water and economic growth
·Urban water management
·Rural water pricing policy
·Water rights and water markets
·Water User Associations
·Water policy addressing climate change
·Groundwater management
·Water education
Preliminary Timeline
Deadline for submission of abstracts: Friday, 9th December 2016
Editor notifies authors of abstract approval Friday, 20th January 2017
Deadline for full paper submission: Friday, 12th May 2017
Publication of the Special Issue: late 2017 or early 2018
Abstracts and manuscripts should be submitted by email to the Guest Editors for initial peer review. For submission and queries, please email Professor Yahua Wang at
[email protected]
For more information in the Journal, please go to
Instructions for Authors for paper preparation can be found in the following link
由于过去三十年工业化和城市化在中国的飞速发展,中国的水资源管理面临着严峻的挑战和很强的不确定性。旱灾频繁发生、大面积的河流污染和退化的水生态,这些迹象表明水危机迫在眉睫,然而在政策制定和公共部门的管理上,我们还不能够及时应对在不同地域发生的变化,以及变化带来的影响和挑战。毫无疑问,水资源的成功管理是中国经济和社会可持续发展的关键。在这样的背景下,有效的水资源管理就需要我们研究不断变化的经济和社会情景、 新管理手段的实施效果,以及政策干预的影响。
本特刊以“中国水政策和水管理的创新与转型”为题,旨在讨论我国水政策和水资源管理上的变迁和转型。在过去的几十年,中国的水政策已经从工程主导的单一管理模式发展成水资源综合管理模式,其间各种新的治理原则、机制和政策工具运用在很多领域,比如人水系统的可持续发展、适应性管理、社会学习、 水权水市场与水教育。
通知摘要录用截止日期: 2017年1月20日
请通过电子邮件将摘要和稿件提交给客座主编进行初始评审。提交和询问,请电邮联系王亚华教授:[email protected]