Speech for the Ceremony at the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University.
The Importance of a Global Dimension to Public Policy Education.
It is a great pleasure to be with you today, and especially a great honour to be the guest of SPPM for this anniversary.
I stand before you today as a representative of a French and very international University which has built its expertise and reputation over more than a century by educating policy makers and high civil servants of France.
Sciences Po and SPPM initiated their partnership almost 10 years ago when China was exploring the way for the creation of new university programs such as MPAs to expand its training capacity in the field of public policy.
Thus, I do remember discussions we had at the time with Prof XUE LAN on comparisons of the French and the Chinese developments in this domain. The question was to think how the university could bring more research and a renewed approach to education for public affairs.
Sciences Po and SPPM at Tsinghua University have brought some answers to this difficult question.
I would like to underline a series of possibilities that have since then been explored:
- Creating programs in English and recruiting international faculty and further an international student body. This is what the MPA at Sciences Po has been successfully aimed at.
- Developing a core curriculum that integrates different disciplines of the social sciences and the humanities. Law, History, Sociology, Political Science are part of the curriculum for us.
- Yet, developing an interdisciplinary method for problem analysis and problem solving.
- Introducing the work experience in the class room and the development of applied skills and also the case studies pedagogy.
We have also reinforced the shift from the local and domestic perspective to the global dimension by giving importance to the student international mobility. A lot of this has been achieved trough the creation of double degree programs.
I can see that SPPM has followed the same path by designing a set of very different programs that aim at different publics and different objectives:
- An excellent MPA Program
- An MA in Public Management
- The MID which was quite innovative and is now part of the MDP Global Network funded by the Mc Arthur Foundation. Sciences Po as also joined the network initiated by Columbia University.
- An international Master of Public Administration
- And of course more PhDs.
I would like to say a few words about the SPPM and Sciences Po partnership. Initiated in year 2002, it now integrates a steady student exchange and also a research collaboration. The presence on campus at Tsinghua of several faculty (in the school of Law and also in the Sociology Department and at SPPM) has provided a good opportunity for joint teaching and joint research. Prof Richard Balme, whom I want to salute for his strong commitment to the Sciences Po SPPM partnership has launched the “Sciences Po Tsinghua Initiative for Public Policy”. Several seminars have taken place within this initiative. Recent seminars were held such as “Governance and food safety” and also “Comparative perspective about central-local relations in environmental Governance”.
Obviously international partnerships at SPPM are much broader than the Franco Chinese link. They encompass for example a very productive relationship with the Kennedy School at Harvard University and many links with LSE, SIPA at Columbia, the hertie School in Berlin or the Lee Kwan Yew School at NUS in Singapore.
So what are the challenges that are now upfront?
- Quality of teaching
- Improvement in the research
- Moving more global and not only comparative
- Bridging public and private management and analysis.
- Articulating the university academic based education and research with the State (national and local) internal training and education in public policy.
These are a few challenges we have to answer.
Having better educated citizens and leaders can help!
Thank you
Francis Vérillaud
(Science Po)在此演讲。这是一所非常国际化的法国大学,百余年来,它为法国培育出了众多的决策者和公务员;也为自己积累了丰富的专业知识,并赢得了良好的国际声誉。
· 开设了英文学位项目,聘请外籍专家,并招收国际学生。这也是巴黎政大MPA项目已经成功实现的目标。
· 开设了包括社科人文等多学科在内的核心课程。我们的培养方案涵盖法律、历史、社会学和政治学。
· 已经形成了跨学科的分析及解决问题的方法。
· 推出了一系列新的教学方法,注重应用能力,采取案例研究教学。
· 此外,我们还通过加强学生的国际交流活动,力求实现从地方、国内视野到全球视野的转变。而这一转变在很大程度上归功于双学位项目的建立。
· 出色的公共管理专业硕士项目
· 公共管理学术型硕士项目
· 极具创新的MID(国际发展硕士)项目,它是由麦克阿瑟基金会建立的MDP(国际发展实践)全球课堂的一部分。巴黎政大也加入了这一由哥伦比亚大学发起的网络。
· 国际公共管理硕士项目
· 当然还有博士项目。
等院系中,外教的加入为我们提供了联合教学与合作研究的大好机会。在这里,我要特别向理查德·巴姆教授(Prof Richard Balme)致敬,他为两院的合作关系做出了卓越的贡献,他发起了“巴黎政大—清华公共政策动议项目(Sciences Po Tsinghua Initiative for Public Policy)”,并已成功举办数次研讨会;比如近期举办的“治理与食品安全”、“从比较的视角看环境治理中的中央与地方关系”。
· 提升教学质量
· 提高研究能力
· 更加国际化
· 为公共部门和企业的管理和分析搭建桥梁
· 在国家(中央和地方)政府的教育培训工作中强调高校学术型教育和研究的重要性