于2015开始承办国际发展与治理硕士(Master of Public Administration in International Development and Governance,MIDG)项目。该项目为两年制全英文硕士学位项目,旨在培养发展中国家从事国际发展和治理工作的高级专业人才。今年秋季,MIDG项目又迎来了一批来自不同国家的新生。就让我们一起走近这些学生,聆听他们的故事,了解他们对清华,对公管,以及对在中国学习和生活的感悟。
Currently I work under the Vice President’s Office as a Chief Administrative Officer. During the entire period of working in three different offices, I worked with many people from different positions. Despite of all success in my career, I have been facing with several challenges. On my side, Tsinghua University was the only place that could enable me to develop my career, gaining appropriate skills and knowledge and eventually attaining my desired goals. |
This is my third time to be in China. But the life here at Tsinghua is very attractive comparing to other places. Academic and non-academic staffs are more cooperative to us. We are all treated equally no matter who you are and where you come from. These and other reasons made me to feel so special being a Tsinghua student. Moreover, I’m very impressed with learning Chinese language that nowadays has begun to get more speakers globally. I'm very glad to be selected and being one among of the MIDG students at Tsinghua University. This is a great opportunity to me because since I arrived here, I met with different people from different countries with different culture. This gathering has greatly helped me to interact with more people and feel comfortable to be in a large family like this.
After one year and a half of working at the parliament of Georgia I was sent to Jilin University where I graduated from Public Diplomacy one-year master’s degree. Then I was offered to do another two-year master’s degree in Public Administration at Tsinghua University in order to strengthen my understanding of contemporary China and to study Chinese language better. This was absolutely unique opportunity for me. |
Frankly speaking, I was already aware where I was heading to prior to my arrival in Beijing but what I saw, and experiencing every day, here at Tsinghua, truly exceeded my expectations! This is a spectacular place, mixture of local and international students which creates full-scale academic and friendly atmosphere within the beautiful campus. I have to emphasize that all the professors and academic staff are so cooperative and professionals. At this given period of my life I am pursuing my master’s degree at Tsinghua University in the school of public policy and management and at the same time dedicating considerable time to learning Chinese language. Here at Tsinghua, I am preparing myself to start working at the embassy of Georgia by the end of 2020 where I will dedicate all my abilities and energy to strengthen and deepen relationship between China and Georgia.
Before coming to Tsinghua University I worked as a lawyer in the law firm D’Empaire in the Environmental Matters Department. During my career, I participated in several prominent international competitions on behalf of my university. I chose Tsinghua University because I wanted to study in one the most prestigious universities in China, focused on developing students with integrity and social commitment. In coherence with Tsinghua’s University spirit “Actions Speak Louder than Words”, I would like after my Master Degree Program to return to Venezuela and contribute to its development while creating bridges in order to find a common ground in its society. |
My experience so far in Tsinghua University has been incredible; I had the pleasure to meet a lot of people from different countries, extraordinary professionals, with whom I like to share my opinion regarding different topics. The university itself has a unique campus what motivates me with my daily studies and to participate in many cultural activities due all the students’ association that are constantly creating new events to integrate international students. Even do the language can be hard to learn, I’m overwhelmed about the kindness of Chinese student in Tsinghua such as from the local people in Beijing that try to understand and help you.
来清华大学之前,我在D’Empaire律所环境事务部工作。我的整个职业生涯中,我曾代表我的大学参加过很多有名的国际竞赛。我选择清华大学,是因为我希望可以在中国最负盛名的高等学府学习。 清华大学专注于培养品格健全、投身于社会事业的学生。秉承清华大学“行胜于言”的精神,我希望我将来毕业后回到委内瑞拉,能为祖国发展做出贡献,为社会发展搭建桥梁。
Growing up in a small village has offered financial and academic challenges to the extent, I never imagined one day I will be crossing the doorsteps of the remarkable universities like Tsinghua where I will connect with many brilliant scholars, learn from outstanding professors, and above all, pursue my academic ambitions. Yes, I have always been a dreamer, and, I guess, this character prompted me applying for a Master of International Development and governance in Tsinghua University. I am extremely grateful and humbled to receive the MOFCOM scholarship. |
My life here has been extremely fun and incredible because staffs and classmates are friendly, inspiring and helpful. In less than one could imagine I had all, from exploring the biggest campus I have ever seen and making new friends and doing my shopping at the beautiful malls. After graduation, it is my aspiration to join the ranks of scholars, professionals and advocates of public administration, who are working tirelessly around the clock to implement development projects and policies for better Namibia, Africa and the world at large.
After my undergraduate studies in Law and Political Science, I studied Economic Diplomacy at International Relations Institute of Cameroon. The motivation that brought me in THU is deep-rooted in the last 3 years of my life when I ended my studies in International Relations Institute of Cameroon, and started my career in the Department of Asian Affairs and Islamic Cooperation. |
Presently, learning Public Administration in International Development and Governance (MIDG) is a daily challenge that requires us more commitment and wisdom in innovating tips of the both sides cooperation. This Country is fascinating with its People, but above all its Culture. The way this Nation encodes its perceptions of its own realities through its languages, calligraphies, and spiritualties, and the answers it gives the contemporary challenges of the International Community are so similar to the Africa ones. This makes me strongly believe that China has to learn from Africa and Africa from China.