”)在位于印度尼西亚雅加达市的陈江和基金会总部成功举办了国际项目首次海外院友活动,有来自印度尼西亚、马来西亚、孟加拉国、马拉维、坦桑尼亚等国家的30余位院友线下及线上参会。印度尼西亚共和国财政部前部长、国家发展规划部前部长Bambang Brodjonegoro教授,陈江和基金会全球总裁张文好(Jean Satrijo Tanudjojo)先生,印度尼西亚陈江和基金会秘书长Inge Sanitasia Kusuma女士等嘉宾出席本次活动。国产成人直播

彭宗超以“和合—中国的风险治理”(Hehe-Risk Governance Model in China)为主题,为参会嘉宾和院友们做了专题演讲。他从案例出发,深入浅出地介绍了中国从“风险管理”到“风险治理”的理念转变,并详细解读了“合和”风险治理模式的中国传统文化内涵、实践应用和发展方向。彭宗超表示,“合和”代表合作与和谐,构建以政府主导、社会参与、多方协同的“合和”风险治理模式是增强社会风险治理能力、新兴风险的识别预警与防控能力建设的重要途经。

讲座后,由Bambang Brodjonegoro、院友Patricia Luo和彭宗超共同开启圆桌讨论,圆桌讨论环节由院友Raihan Ronodipuro主持。Bambang Brodjonegoro在发言中表示,在风云变化的国际局势下,为保障国家的经济、政治安全,印度尼西亚应继续在外交政策中保持中立。在经济贸易方面,印度尼西亚积极参与“一带一路”倡议,并以此为契机,加强与中国在绿色能源、电动汽车、电池及光伏、卫生健康等领域开展经贸合作。在风险治理方面,印度尼西亚也应学习中国的经验,增强风险预测的能力并充分做好风险应对准备,这需要政府在政策制定、监管措施和技术应用等方面进行全面改进和创新。在讨论中,国产成人直播
院友、印尼金融管理局(Otoritas Jasa Keuangan)副主任Patricia Luo介绍了印度尼西亚金融领域在防范金融风险方面的主要措施。她指出,为了缓解金融危机,所有相关部委和金融服务机构应作为一个整体协同工作,并听取公众意见。





Hana Yulia
Analyst, Ministry of Communication and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia
“I could not express my excitement when I heard about the gathering plan. Turns out it was amazing. I got to meet with the professors, faculty members, and fellow alumni and acquired new connections. One expectation from me as an alumnus is that with this gathering, we got to reconnect and share experiences, build credentials, and create a global network of Tsinghua University - SPPM policymakers.”

Pratiwi Nasyanti,
Immigration Officer, Immigration office of South Jakarta
“It is a great honor to be part of the first gathering of Tsinghua SPPM alumni in Indonesia! this is not only a reminder of how close Indonesia's relationship with China is, more than that, it makes us believe that we are both concerned about the same issues, and that our passion for the environment is equally strong! Tsinghua-ren, Jaya! Looking forward to another meeting. ”

Shwu Luan Tan
Director of WBR Business Centre, Malaysia

Andrew Sinaga
Senior Auditor, Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP)
“I’m very lucky that I’m given a chance to meet my colleagues from SPPM, even though December is quite a busy day for a public official like me. I’m very excited to meet again with my Program Manager Miss Ellen and my Program Director Professor Yin. It feels good to see them doing well because it reminds me of my times as a student and when I was in Beijing. I’m also glad that I have chance to meet and know other colleagues from SPPM in this meeting that is sponsored by Tanoto Foundation.”

Patricia Luo
Deputy Director in Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
“Indonesia Alumni are surprised with SPPM's Professors visit to Jakarta. This event recalls our sweet memories during study in Tsinghua. Prof. Peng updates us with HEHE diplomacy -again a reminder us the important of collaboration and harmonies. Let's all SPPM alumni and Tsinghua Ren we bond together to collaborate for the future of Indonesia.”

Mohamad Jawahir
Head of Digital Business Department, Universitas Insan Cita Indonesia
“This event is important to be held annually. It can connect the alumni and faculty and more specifically is able to strengthen the network among alumni. This event also becomes a bridging for strong relationship between China and Indonesia and will be impactful for the development of Indonesia.”