)国际发展硕士(MID)、国际公共管理硕士(IMPA)、国际发展与治理硕士(MIDG)、清华大学—日内瓦大学可持续发展公共政策双硕士(MPP-SDG)、 “一带一路”国际公共管理硕士(IMPA-BRI)和“未来领袖”国际公共管理硕士(IMPA-Future Leaders)6个国际项目的30余名中外学生观看了第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式。国产成人直播



Artemiy Yarchevskiy
俄罗斯,IMPA-FL 2023级
Speeches at events of this caliber are always intriguing, as they offer insights into the thoughts and priorities of world leaders. The Russian media specifically highlighted a section of President Xi's speech regarding the principle of cooperation outside the blocs. In addition to logistics and trade, Xi Jinping also underscored the significance of personal-level cooperation, creative and scientific exchange, and intellectual and cultural collaboration. It is heartening to witness China's recognition that mega-projects must be built upon a value-based and human-oriented foundation.
Bolortsetseg Ragchaa
蒙古,MIDG 2023级
It's nice to watch BRI 3rd Forum Opening ceremony with SPPM international students. Some of our classmates proudly taking selfies while their country's president delivering speech in the opening ceremony was good moment to share together. We can see during last 10 years Belt and Road initiative contributed so much in global economy and trade route, especially in developing countries. As ordinary citizen of developing country, I wish projects under BRI shall implemented successfully, contribute more to the world's economy and trade.
Bernhart Farras Sukandar
印度尼西亚,MID 2023级
From an Indonesian perspective, the BRI opening ceremony in 2023 presented a dynamic landscape of economic opportunities, diplomatic engagements, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange. However, it also underscored the need for balanced diplomacy, environmental responsibility, and careful geopolitical considerations as Indonesia positions itself at the forefront of this global initiative.
Dararith Va
柬埔寨,IMPA-BRI 2023级
As the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) commemorates its 10th anniversary milestone, President Xi’s eight commitments on BRI resonates profoundly with the Cambodia Royal Government's Pentagon Strategy. Our nation's strategy emphasis on people, road, water, electricity, and technology aligns seamlessly with the broader vision set forth by the BRI. Witnessing the fusion of our Pentagon Strategy with China's BRI commitments, I am invigorated by the promise of an integrated and sustainable future for Cambodia within the larger global tapestry.
Mariano Andres Imbert Rodriguez
委内瑞拉,IMPA-BRI 2023级
The speeches by presidents of China, Russia, Kazhakastan, Argentina, Ethiopia and the UN Secretary General are inspiring. Many countries and peoples from all over the world are eager and excited about what the BRI as a development platform for infrastructure and international cooperation exchange will have to offer in the coming years.
Jeannette Koziba Motsu
博茨瓦纳,MIDG 2023级
Botswana’s participation in the third Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is not only exciting but makes me curious as a young prospect leader from Southern Africa. My curiosity and interest burst forth from the eight (8) steps plan to achieving global prosperity, reflected in the speech delivered by President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping. When we signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2021 and becoming the forty-sixth (46th) African country to collaborate in the BRI cooperation, we become part of something great. Personally, the BRI partnership is like planting a seed that will not only benefit future generations but those in the present.
中国,MPP-SDG 2023级
中国,MPP-SDG 2023级
