China Institute for Science and Technology Policy at Tsinghua University(CISTP)was established in 2003 as a university affiliated research center, under the support of Ministry of Science and Technology and endorsement of Tsinghua University. CISTP is committed to excellence, broad perspectives, visionary initiatives, and international engagement. It dedicates itself to supporting China's strategic priorities, including the strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education, innovation-driven and sustainable development, as well as national long-term development goals. CISTP aims to be a premier institute for strategy and policy research in science and technology, engaging in both theoretical and practical research on scientific and technological trends, national strategic science and technology frameworks, and related public policies. In 2018, the center was recognized as a leading university affiliated think tank within Tsinghua University and ranked the 21st overall — and first among science and technology think tanks— in the Chinese University Think Tank Development Report released by the Global Think Tank Research Center at Zhejiang University of Technology.
Located within Tsinghua University’s School of Public Policy and Management, CISTP has a team over 10 dedicated researchers and over 40 research fellows. Since its establishment, CISTP has been undertaken or participated in a series of strategic research works including National Medium and Long Term Science and Technology Development Plan, National Medium and Long Term Education Development Plan, revision research on Law of the People's Republic of China on Science and Technology Progress, and collaborative study with the OECD on China's National Innovation Policies. CISTP's focus on national innovation systems and technology globalization has significantly enhanced its competitive edge, yielding numerous scholarly works published in prestigious academic journals (SSCI/SCI) on science policy and public management such as Nature Communications, PNAS, Research Policy, National Science Review, Social Sciences in China, Management World, China Soft Science. Its policy analysis and recommendations have received commendations from China's central and Beijing municipal leaders, influencing on policy formulation and implementation.
CISTP also serves as a dynamic platform for academic exchange, organizing and participating in numerous international academic activities with leading research institutions in the fields of science and technology management and policy worldwide, including Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex, Industrial Performance Center (IPC) at MIT, Stanford Program on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SPRIE), RAND Corporation, etc.
Professor XUE Lan, the director of CISTP, received his Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University. He also serves as the Convener of the State Council Public Administration Disciplinary Review Committee, a member of the National Committee for Strategic Consultation and Comprehensive Review, the Chair of the National Expert Committee on AI Governance, a member of the Advisory Group of STI Directory of OECD, an adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University, a Non-Resident Senior Fellow of the Brookings Institution, and a Co-Chair of the Leadership Council of the UN Sustainable Development Solution Network (UNSDSN). Xue has lectured for the group study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC twice in 2003 and 2011. Professor XUE Lan receives numerous awards such as the Second National Innovation Pioneer Medal, Yangtze River Scholars Distinguished Professor of Ministry of Education. He is also a recipient of the Fudan Distinguished Contribution Award for Management Science, and a recipient of the Distinguished Contribution Award from Chinese Association of Science of Science and S&T Policy. During leading or participating in numerous major domestic and international research projects as well as publishing nearly a hundred papers in academic journals, he also makes contribution to draft and evaluate pivotal policies and plans for science, technology, and education.
Research Areas of Center
The center engages in both theoretical and empirical research to explore the international aspects of scientific and technological endeavors. The focus includes the activities of research institutions, universities, and corporations in the context of globalization, analyzing their dynamics, trends, and impacts.
The center involves advancing the theoretical understanding of national innovation systems, comparing various models and policies across countries, and analyzing the role of various innovation entities. It also pays attention to address the crucial issues like science and technology talent development, standards, and intellectual property management.
The center conducts in-depth studies on the frameworks, tools, and processes of science and technology policies. This includes case studies on policy implementation and research into policy mechanisms that promote independent innovation in a globalized world.
The center’s research encompasses both theoretical and comparative analyses of education development strategies and policies. It delves into higher education management, the development of research universities, and China’s internation collaborations in education projects.
Contact Us
Tel: 010-62797212
E-Mail: [email protected]
Address: School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.China 100084
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