Speaker: Dr. Mariana Mazzucato, Professor of Economics and RM Phillips Chair in Science and Technology Policy, University of Sussex (Science Policy Research Unit)
Host: Liang Zheng, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management
Time: 10:00-12:00, September 11
th, 2013
Venue: Room 302, School of Public Policy and Management
Language: English
The talk will consider the different myths around the Silicon Valley growth model including the role of venture capital, SMEs, and the 'garage tinkerer' genius of individuals like Steve Jobs.
I will begin by arguing that it is important to understand the limits of the 'market failure' model of state intervention in the economy. And to move towards a 'mission oriented' view whereby the state does not only 'fix' problems in the market but also actively shapes and creates markets. Indeed, every technology that makes the iPhone so 'smart' traces its funding to the State, and this is not limited to spending on 'basic research'. The fact this has been ignored has allowed certain agents to portray themselves as the lead risk-takers and capture a disproportionate share of the returns. The core of the talk will focus on how such myths have deformed innovation policy in Europe and have also created a problem whereby risks are socialised while profits are privatised, weakening the innovation machine. The talk will end by considering the lessons for 'emerging economies'.
Bio of Speaker:
Mariana Mazzucato received her BA from Tufts University in History and International Relations, and a Phd in Economics at the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research in NY. She is a Professor in Economics at the University of Sussex, where she holds the RM Phillips Chair in Science and Technology Policy (in SPRU). Prior to joining Sussex University, she was at the Open University as Professor in the Economics of Innovation, and previous to that at the London Business School and the University of Denver. She is the Coordinator of a large EC FP7 research project on Finance Innovation and Growth (www.finnov–fp7.eu) and is the Economics Director of the ESRC Innogen Centre. Her current research work is funded also by the Ford Foundation and by the Institute for New Economic Thinking. She is an active policy advisor in the areas of innovation and industria policy, both in the UK and abroad, and is a member of the two EC expert groups in the European Commission, on Innovation for Growth (i4g) and on Public Sector Innovation. Her research focuses on the theoretical and empirical relationship between innovation, growth, and finance. Her influential work on ‘The Entrepreneurial State’ argues that in innovation the State has not just fixed market failures but actively created the vision, and invested in the most risky and uncertain areas. She is active in the media where she has argued that what Europe needs today is not austerity but strategic investments, which will create a dynamic 'Innovation Union'. More information on her projects, media involvement, and publications can be found on www.marianamazzucato.com.